Hi there! Are you wondering why I have a blog?
I love creating things and reflecting on process; not just the creative journey, but also the experience of living and being human. As often as possible, I write about something that has been on my mind. I hope sharing my insights, stories, discoveries, tips, and musings here can help other people on their life journey too.
I think acknowledging how challenging, relatable, funny, weird and messy our lives are will ultimately make our time on earth more joyful and inspired. Writing this blog is one of the vehicles I use to live a more fulfilling, healthy and beautiful life!
Thanks for joining me on this ride and subscribing to my newsletter to receive an email notification when I post my latest blog!
Life Hacks And Lessons I Learned As A Hairdresser
Life Hacks and Lessons I Learned As a Hairdresser
I don’t know if it is just because I am in my forties now or the climate of our post-pandemic meta-verse world, but people (including me) seem to really be struggling navigating through this era! Keep reading, because I think my insights from my hairdressing days are applicable for all people, all ages, in the workplace and in our personal lives.